Manhattan Beach
Traditional Shotokan Karate


 updated 10/3714 



Due to the state of affairs of the National and International organizations founded by Nishiyama sensei.


We are no longer involved in these tournament competitions 


We were heavily involved in local, national and international competitions.


From our in house tournaments to the World Championships. 




 Our in house "Small, Medium & Big Pond" Tournaments

to prepare our students for the larger tournaments



   A fantastic stepping stone to larger events.




Manhattan Beach Traditional Shotokan Karate

Small, Medium and Big Pond Tournament Series


Athlete Registration

Medals for the other 3


 Our Small Pond Tournaments

3 in a division with medals for all


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  Our Medium Pond Tournaments

6 in division with trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers. No award for the last 3.


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 Our Large Pond Tournaments Teach

Large divisions with trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers.


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Teaching all aspects of competition along the way.


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 It's part of the process.

You will grow! It will be fun! It will be great!

You'll be motivated & excited for the next one! 

Sign Up & Participate!

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 Ellen at the Local Level as a Yellow Belt

Our First Ever Small Pond Tournament

as a Brown Belt

Small Pond Tournament in the Gym


 Ellen at the National Level as Brown Belt

51st AAKF Traditional Karate US Nationals

3rd Place - Hamptons, NY

1st Place - St Louis, Missouri

2nd Place - Manhattan Beach, California


Ellen at the International Level as a Black Belt


Kata Event

Fukugo Event

16th ITKF Traditional Karate Championships

Lodz, Poland


Click the Link to see how we prepared

Click the link to see our Journey



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